All the kids....well, almost.

All the kids....well, almost.
Sara due in September! Jess due in May!

Monday, March 10, 2014

oops, I did it again...

"Keep your arms & legs inside the ride at
all times!" 
I skiied again. 
A lot!  
Dr. Rosenbluth, then my Dad, and Chloe
My support staff!

We headed up to Alta on a beautiful afternoon. I tried the cart ski and had a great time!  

Casey the PT giving the all important instructions

Ready? Check.
Scared? Um....check.


We did 8 (yep, I said EIGHT) runs in a half day .  And it was heaven.

There were even times on the lift I forgot I was in the cart ski and remembered so many great times growing up...being with my family ... my sisters ... in Sun Valley, at Targhee, and even right where we were...good ole Alta, Utah.  I felt the familiar freeze on the lift; you know the one.  Where your forehead aches, your nose runs uncontrollably, and your lips won't move without great effort - because they are frozen in place.  I always loved being on the lift.  Sometimes more than the skiing part (shhh. don't tell) because I loved just looking all around from way up high and feeling, quite literally, on top of the world.  Carefree.  And those times on the lift provided so many teaching moments that, at the time, I didn't even realize were teaching moments.  My Dad took advantage of having us all to himself on the lift and we TALKED.
A lot. About everything.  And if only those lift chairs could talk, they would tell of many wise words and lessons that my Dad taught us up there ... and we never knew we were being taught such great - even profound - lessons.

And I remember talking back.  Not in the bad way.  But for some reason, being way up there on the lift, I would open up to my Dad like I never would have anywhere else.  I told him everything.  More than he wanted to know, I am quite sure.  But I would tell him about my friends, and my teachers, and people who bugged me, and my organ and piano lessons, and I'd tell him which of my sisters were bugging me - and WHY - and there was nothing off limits for me.
And I'd even ask questions.  That was a bit unusual for me, because I always thought I knew it all.  But up on the lift....I'd finally admit, in a roundabout way, that I actually didn't know it all, and I'd ask questions I never would otherwise.

Those memories flooded back to me.  They are good memories.  And for one minute I forgot I was in the cart ski this time.  I thought about clicking my skis together to get the snow off them - you know the drill.  And then I remembered my body doesn't respond anymore and I could think about doing that all day long, but it was never going to happen.
I  almost forgot that I was in the cart ski.

The best part about the day, though? Being up there again with my Dad.  On his beloved mountains doing his favorite thing in the world.
It was a good day.  Even on the cart ski.    

Saturday is a special day...
It's the day we get ready for Sunnn-day...

A normal Saturday at our house involves a lot of the R word.
RRRRRelax.  (Aaaaahhhhh!)  I'm proud to say we knocked out two movies before 2pm - "Epic" and "Wreck It Ralph".  Everyone in the same room; Chloe in and out of the phone zone, Meg doing Legos, Mati just relaxing* (*see below), Halle bopping all over, Mat cranking snacks out, and I was (a-hem) knitting a cap for my grandson who will arrive in May.  A very grandmotherly thing to do while watching a movie, wouldn't you agree?

I'd also like to introduce you to...CHEF MELEE (pronounced mah-LAY)  Yes, Halle has announced that when her chef hat is on, the name changes.

And her favorite thing to do, any day of the week, is BAKE.
We have had a few crazy - but wonderful - weeks with Chloe and Mati's school plays.  Chloe was Ethel Toffelmeyer in the Music Man, and we dare say she was the most darling Ethel there ever was.  She picked a little, and talked a little, and sang a lot, and we couldn'ta been prouder. And despite our pride, I can't find even one of the million photos I took of her. But I will.  And when I do, you'll know.

Mati's school play, Beauty and the Beast, finishes up this evening, with Mati as Mrs. Potts.  She is simply darling we can't wait to see how much stronger her right arm is than her left after holding it up as the spout for each performance. She sang her solos like an angel, and her parents may or may not have bawled like babies during the theme song, "Beauty & the Beast", which is Mrs. Potts' big solo.

We aren't biased; we are completely objective:

We have the most talented kids ever born.

We'll focus on Sunday as soon as the play is over tonight, and I look forward to Fast Sundays lately (gasp!) since Sara and Riley suggested a new focus for our immediate family: "Mighty Prayer". Riley said in his mission, every morning and every evening at 10am and 10pm, the whole mission was kneeling in prayer, where ever they were.  He said there was great power as a missionary to know that the every sister and every elder in his Florida mission was praying at the same time.  So, as a family, each Fast Sunday we decide on something to fast for as a family.  Most months it's not hard; we seem to have consistent needs within this family! Then we begin our fast together Saturday night with each of our families kneeling in prayer at the same time, where ever we are, to begin our fasts. 

We have learned in a very direct way the power of a family united in prayer. We have seen miracles in Halle's life - many miracles surrounding her very premature birth as well as the scare she gave us a couple years ago. And we have seen miracle upon miracle through the past two and a half years since my injury.  I am so humbled to think of the powerful blessings that have come from the faith of a family, both immediate and extended, when they have united in praying for me.  We have seen Heavenly Father's hand bless every part of our lives.  I love the example Sara and Riley have set for all of us, but especially their younger sisters, with this suggestion. It has definitely brought unity and closeness as a family, as well as brought great blessings to us when we are in need.

Tomorrow we will be fasting for Mat to find and be offered the right job.   He has had a few very promising interviews and now it's up to the Lord to decide. We know He will guide Mat where he needs to be, and will take care of our family as He always does.  We are blessed by the gospel of Jesus Christ and its teachings. Faith works miracles.  United families work miracles.  I'm so grateful I have both!

Our family

Our family

He's HOME!

He's HOME!

Best Buds

Best Buds
Sara and Chloe


Katie's Lovin Brighton



Our baby!